
How to Guarantee Safe Real Estate Transactions in Egypt. Never again ask “Who Goes First?"

Written by Belmazad Team | Jul 29, 2024 1:43:14 PM

In the world of real estate, every transaction is accompanied by a familiar dilemma: who will make the first move? Will the buyer transfer the funds first, or will the seller hand over the ownership documents? This inherent lack of trust can cause deals to unravel, leading to frustration and missed opportunities. The traditional solution often involves meeting at a notary public or a developer's office to exchange documents and funds, but this approach is fraught with its own set of challenges.

The Real Estate Transaction Dilemma

Picture this scenario: you arrive at the notary’s office with a substantial amount of cash to finalize your property purchase. Counting the money in a public, uncomfortable setting not only feels awkward but also exposes you to potential risks if anyone notices the large sum you’re carrying. Alternatively, presenting a personal or certified check, without the expertise to verify its authenticity, leaves you vulnerable to fraud.

The situation becomes even more complicated when multiple owners are involved. Each owner must receive their respective share of the payment, adding layers of complexity and increasing the potential for disputes and mistrust. Often, one party ends up taking on the risk and hoping for the best outcome.

Brokers face significant challenges as well. Frequently, they are deprived of their commissions after the transaction, losing their leverage and relying solely on the goodwill of the buyer and seller to receive their due payment. Without a binding contract or agreement, brokers’ rights are often overlooked.

Furthermore, in Egypt, properties within developments require property taxes to be paid to the government before ownership can be transferred to the new buyer. Sellers are understandably hesitant to pay these taxes upfront, fearing the buyer might change their mind, leaving them with a financial burden and no sale.

Introducing the Solution:

Imagine a seamless, risk-free process facilitated by an intermediate bank account managed by a trusted partner. Enter, a pioneering PropTech startup that has launched an innovative escrow service in collaboration with Banque Misr. This service effectively addresses the myriad issues faced by buyers, sellers, and brokers, offering a streamlined and secure method for completing real estate transactions.

How It Works

Secure Financial Transactions: Our escrow service ensures that the buyer’s funds are securely held by Banque Misr until all conditions of the sale are satisfied. This eliminates the risk associated with handling large sums of cash or relying on potentially fraudulent checks. Both parties can proceed with confidence, knowing that the funds are secure and will only be released upon the successful completion of the transaction.

Verified Documentation: We eliminate the uncertainty from the documentation process. All necessary documents are verified, and we agree on the format and content related to the transfer of property. Typically, this involves granting the buyer a power of attorney, allowing them to transfer the property to their name seamlessly and without hassle.

Clear Ownership Transfer: For properties with multiple sellers, especially those inherited,’s escrow service ensures that the funds are automatically distributed to each seller according to their ownership percentage. This guarantees that each seller receives their rightful share without needing to rely on anyone else to distribute the funds, thus eliminating potential disputes and ensuring a smooth transaction.

Protecting Brokers’ Commissions: Brokers can rest assured that their commissions are safeguarded. The escrow service includes provisions that ensure brokers receive their due payment directly from the escrow account upon the completion of the sales transaction. This eliminates the need to rely on the goodwill of buyers and sellers, providing a fair and secure way to handle commissions.

Tax Payment Assurance: In situations where property taxes must be paid before ownership transfer, our escrow service ensures these taxes can be paid allowing the transaction to proceed smoothly. Sellers no longer need to worry about paying taxes upfront and risking a failed sale.

Conclusion, in partnership with Banque Misr, offers a revolutionary escrow service that is set to transform real estate transactions in Egypt. By addressing the common fears and challenges faced by buyers, sellers, and brokers, this new PropTech solution provides a secure, transparent, and efficient method for completing transactions. Say goodbye to uncertainty and risk, and embrace the future of real estate with

Experience how can make your next real estate transaction the safest and most seamless experience yet. Visit their website today to learn more about their groundbreaking escrow service and how it can benefit you.